It’s Okay To Not Have a Talent: Identity and Dyslexia

When the “D” word comes up, it usually goes something like this … Me: “Sorry that my spelling is bad. I am dyslexic.” Them: “Oh, no, it’s fine don’t worry!” *Awkward silence* Them: “So, what’s your thing?” Me: “My thing?” Them: “Oh you know, like, what are you really good at? You know because you’re…dyslexic, […]
Combat Wheelchair Update! Play as a Butt-Kicking Rogue

For the DnD fans of my last article on Sara Thompson’s homebrew tactical wheelchair, I come with an update! Thompson’s wheelchair now has a playable character in Idle Champions! His name is Talin Uran. *insert excited screaming here* Image courtesy of Codename Entertainment. A cartoon image of a Tiefling with red skin, black hair, and […]