It’s Okay To Not Have a Talent: Identity and Dyslexia

When the “D” word comes up, it usually goes something like this … Me: “Sorry that my spelling is bad. I am dyslexic.” Them: “Oh, no, it’s fine don’t worry!” *Awkward silence* Them: “So, what’s your thing?” Me: “My thing?” Them: “Oh you know, like, what are you really good at? You know because you’re…dyslexic, […]
I Am Tired of Carrying These Cups: Social Model Theory of Disability

Let’s start with a hypothetical scenario: You live in a world where for one reason or another you can only drink from red cups. Maybe this rule is from birth or maybe you have acquired it recently, but it is now permanent. Now in your house, this isn’t too bad, you just buy red cups. […]