I Don’t Have To Prove My Disability To Anyone – Including You, Too

I’m leaning against the door frame of the drama room, talking to a teacher that’s known me for four years, one that wrote my college recommendations and always ensured this was a space where I felt welcome. I’m discussing upcoming auditions and wanting to try out but being scared my disability will hold me back. […]

What It’s Like to Be An Interabled Couple, and More with Shane Burcaw and Hannah Aylward

Shane Burcaw and Hannah Aylward are content creators living in Minneapolis, Minnesota, documenting their lives as an interabled couple online. Together, they share a YouTube channel, Squirmy and Grubs which has acquired over 600,000 subscribers in just under two years, where they openly discuss their journey together as an engaged couple. Shane, a writer, public […]

My Disability Does Not Make My Life Worth Less in COVID-19 Pandemic

Coronavirus has changed a lot of things, and it has changed a lot of things very quickly. Everyone is being forced to adjust to a radically new routine, and nobody really knows what to expect next. Living through a global pandemic is, undoubtedly, a scary time for everyone. But it’s an especially scary time for […]

Four Videos of Dancers with Disabilities Who Will Make You Shout “Bravo!”

As a dancer, I’m always on the lookout for fresh new videos of the latest dance crews or music videos. However, as a dancer with a disability, I rarely ever see dancers, like myself, who have to overcome physical challenges in order to pursue their art. Over the past few months, I’ve collected a few […]

How Even Good-Hearted Allyship Can Be Harmful to Your Disabled Friends

The stigma surrounding disability and chronic illness is so deeply rooted in society that it can thrive while still perfectly concealed by its normalization.  It is so concealed that when a disabled person dares to bring it up or call it out, they are quickly dismissed and silenced by how certain ableds are that ableism […]

What It’s Like For Me To Fly As a Disabled Person

Illustration created by artist Damaris Contreras.  The first day of spring break: I post a picture on my Instagram story out the window of my airplane seat, sharing my VSCO filtered clouds with a sparkle emoji. This picture’s been taken a thousand times before, and in a way, I am simply doing my duty as […]

Disabled People Are Not Your Scholarship Opportunities

A good story always starts with an introduction and a setting: In my senior year of high school, I became an activist for disabled rights. Senior year was a breakthrough for me because I had finally accepted who I was instead of pretending to be someone I wasn’t. Despite finally being proud of myself, I […]

What Does it Mean To ‘Come Out’ As Gay and Disabled?

I hid from my first date for a good hour before agreeing to finally meet with him. I met Rory on MySpace, back when I first started talking to boys online. My profile mentioned nothing about Cerebral Palsy; let alone I use a power wheelchair when I know long distance travel is involved – but […]

Microsoft Releases Adaptive Controller for Xbox, Takes “Control” of Disability Market

The Super Bowl provides companies with an opportunity to have their voices heard and their products seen by millions of people in one night. Microsoft took full advantage of this visibility by releasing a commercial for their newest product – the Xbox Adaptive Controller. ID: The Xbox Adaptive Controller. A sleek rectangular controller, white with […]