Me, Autism, and the Efforts to Cure Us

Vials and beakers of various sizes.

I lived for 15 years without having a clue about my autism. It was only after a series of life-threatening mental health crises- and my parents writing down pages upon pages of possible autism symptoms of mine—that anyone was willing to screen me for it. Even after all signs pointed towards autism, I still had […]

Do We Look Tragic to You?: Media Influences and Systemic Ableism

A group of disabled queer Black folks talk and laugh at a sleepover, relaxing across two large beds. Everyone is dressed in colorful t-shirts and wearing a variety of sleep scarves, bonnets, and durags. On the left, two friends sit on one bed and paint each other’s nails. On the right, four people lounge on a bed: one person braids another’s hair while the third friend wearing a C-PAP mask laughs, and the fourth person looks up from their book. In the center, a bedside lamp illuminates the room in warm light while pill bottles adorn an end table.

[Image Description: A group of disabled queer Black folks talk and laugh at a sleepover, relaxing across two large beds. Everyone is dressed in colorful t-shirts and wearing a variety of sleep scarves, bonnets, and durags. On the left, two friends sit on one bed and paint each other’s nails. On the right, four people […]

My Disability Does Not Make My Life Worth Less in COVID-19 Pandemic

Coronavirus has changed a lot of things, and it has changed a lot of things very quickly. Everyone is being forced to adjust to a radically new routine, and nobody really knows what to expect next. Living through a global pandemic is, undoubtedly, a scary time for everyone. But it’s an especially scary time for […]