Why President Joe Biden’s Inclusion of Disability Is So Important

Like much of the country, I was elated when Joe Biden became the President of the United States. The chaos that the Trump administration has brought about—from mishandling COVID-19 to threatening the rights of marginalized groups—had finally come to an end, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, I felt like I could relax again.

What Does Joe Biden’s Win Mean For Young Disabled People?

It was August 19th of 2020— in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and election year. The constant crackling of the television in the living room with news of COVID echoed throughout my head. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my phone to open Twitter. As normal, an influx of politics stole […]

Thoughts on Biden’s Stutter From a Stutterer

Watching a presidential candidate open up about stuttering has made me think of my own speech dysfluency and how I feel about it. Even though I am a disability advocate, I seldom discuss my stutter. My stutter doesn’t feel like other aspects of my disability. Stuttering and communication disorders feel taboo even in disability spaces. […]