“My Disability is Not a Lie” and More Statements I’ve Had to Tell at School

Most able-bodied people have an image in their mind of what they think a disabled person is and I’d bet the whole two dollars in my bank account that nine times out of ten that person is sitting in a wheelchair. Using this logic, me, a disabled person who can walk without obvious visual issues, […]
10 Tips for Studying When You’re Disabled

Image Description: An opened book laying in the foreground, with a pen in the middle of the book. Underneath the book is a journal with handwriting scribbled on it. Behind the foreground subjects is a blurred background of a bookshelf. School is hard. September is a stressful time of year. People have expectations of you […]
6 Ways Colleges Could Accommodate People With Chronic Illness Better

This article was originally published on The Mighty. After having to take time off to get a diagnosis for and to treat a chronic illness, part of me feels scared to back to university, especially because I am transferring to a new school where I know nobody. Frankly, I am someone who is naturally an anxious […]