Picture of Yoselynn Tavares-Toledo




In judgment, dare you call me incomplete?

In spite, do you dare call me useless?

In ignorance, do you dare call me deceitful?

In hatred, do you dare call me unlovable?


For, dearest stranger, the contrary is so:


In love, I dare believe I am beautiful

In awareness, I dare believe I am valid

In appreciation, I dare believe I am useful

In acceptance, I dare believe I am complete

In this life, I dare these beliefs


They are not silly dreams nor entertainments

They are the crucial truths I hold close to my heart,

They are the peace in my soul I wish for you –and all– to know.


Strong and Stronger


Pain is strong.


Words, no matter how delicately selected

Can never explain its ways

Nor to which extremity its directed


It feels impossible for it to be possible

Yet it remains– surging through my being,

It drags me to the brink of breaking if I have not yet already

Though in reality, it’s not, hope may feel like its fleeting


Mental, physical, emotional– it is all a weight to bear

But you, my friend, are stronger

You will survive, We will survive, we are strong

….I swear

Image description: Image of a bedroom, where you can see the headboard and bed front on. Above the headboard is a collage of pictures…
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